Whitney Lowe

One of the most frequent comments about Whitney Lowe by his students – online and workshop – is how accessible he is. How patient he is with their questions, and how he expresses a real concern with their understanding. They like that he makes learning fun and brings a lightness to what can be dry and complex concepts.

Whitney has always tried to make his courses fun and easy to understand, and students often note this in their evaluations. His courses are thorough, but taught in a way anyone can understand whether they have been in the profession a day or 30 years. Students and colleagues will say that Whitney is friendly, witty, and yeah, sometimes a bit goofy.

Lowe’s been in the profession for over 30 years. He is the author of the profession’s first accessible assessment text, Orthopedic Assessment in Massage Therapy. He is a contributing author to several other texts, as well as countless published articles. He developed the ground-breaking Orthopedic Massage online certificate program, applying true online educational methods and technology for the first time in the profession. He is a member of the editorial advisory board of the Journal of Bodywork & Movement Therapies, and is a regularly featured author in publications such as Massage & Bodywork, Massage Today, and Massage Magazine.