Michael "Mukti" Buck

Mukti is the Founder and Director of the Vedic Conservatory which as of 2013 includes ten excellently qualified instructors hand picked and certified by Mukti. Mukti is a graduate of the notable Lek Chaya, ITM and Sunshine Schools in Chiang Mai, Thailand and regularly hosts student study tours to Thailand. Mukti is also a certified instructor for Thai Healing Alliance International T.H.A.I. Mukti has initiated certification to over twenty thousand students in nine countries and documents teaching over 1000 hours every year since 1996.

 The VC’s curriculum is commissioned by medical associations, psychiatric institutions and top health resorts, yoga centers and massage schools. The Vedic Conservatory’s curriculum is also nationally approved for continuing education credits by NCBTMB and T.H.A.I. Mukti attended Valley Forge Junior Military College and The University of Miami.

His previous professional background includes graduation from The Swedish Institute NYC in 1984, the advanced program at The Ohashi Institute in NYC in 1985, and The Anma Institute in San Francisco, CA in 1986 and in 1996 Mukti achieved Level Three Instructor status with The International Thai Therapy Association [I.T.T.A]. Mukti is a member of ABMP and a certified instructor with Thai Healing Alliance International [T.H.A.I.] and is New York and Florida state licensed. Mukti is a certified Revelation Breathing Coach and Tratak Meditation Initiator.

 At age 20 Mukti accepted TM initiation by Maharishi Mahesh Yogi, at age 22 Mukti received Shaktipat Transmission personally from Swami Muktananda and at age 24 Mukti was ordained by the renowned Sanskrit scholar A.C.Bhaktivedanta Swami Srila Prabhupada into the Gaudiya Vaisnava Sampradaya [lineage] as a Hare Krishna monastic and was instrumental in opening several yoga and meditation centers worldwide.